Thunderstorm anxiety can be intense for dogs and people alike. Nobody wants to see their dog in distress, but the loud noises, changes in air pressure, and static electricity can all contribute to a cowering, whimpering pup.
Ways to help your dog through their thunderstorm anxiety are desensitizing them to thunder sounds, distracting them from the storm, closing the curtains, and giving them a safe, quiet space to retreat to when things are too much. Also consider involving professionals, whether it be your veterinarian or a dog behaviorist.
In this article, we’ll discuss nine ways you can make thunderstorms easier for your dog, and hopefully get rid of their thunderstorm anxiety for good.
1. Play thunder noises quietly when it’s not storming.
One of the best ways to desensitize your dog to storms is to play thunder sounds quietly on your phone or computer. Find a volume level that your dog can tolerate without stress and play it during your day-to-day activities.
Over the following weeks or months, slowly turn the volume higher until your dog can tolerate a volume similar to an actual storm. If your dog shows signs of stress, turn the volume down or shut the noise off and try again another day.
Keep in mind subtle dog body language during this process. Lip licking, yawning, and whale eyes are a few common stress behaviors that many people miss.
2. Distract your dog with other noise.
Sometimes a white noise machine, television, or radio is enough to distract your dog from a thunderstorm. Also try soothing them with your voice.
This can help to block out the thunder sounds and provide comfort to your pup.
3. Create a safe space for your dog.
During thunderstorms, my Labrador used to head straight to the basement. He felt safe there since it was quieter than upstairs and contained everything he needed, from a plush dog bed to toys and his water bowl.
Dogs who like to hide during storms may scurry to their crate. You can help them feel secluded and safe by adding a blanket over the top, so long as there’s still ventilation and the blanket doesn’t cause the crate to retain too much heat.
If your dog has a place in the house where they feel safe, ensure it’s available for them. You can even join them so that they have company. Most dogs won’t like to be locked up or left alone while scared, so it’s best to give them options rather than forcing them to a certain location.
If your dog doesn’t already have their own space in the home where they feel safe, create one! Choose a quiet area and place your dog there with their favorite things.
Consider adding a crate to the space so that your dog can feel tucked away from the storm, a sound machine to block out some noise, and blackout curtains on the windows so they can’t see the lightning.
4. Distract your dog with toys or treats.
Every dog is different. Some are too afraid to pay attention to the things they love during a storm, while others can use these things to self-soothe.
If your dog is food motivated, try occupying them with a lick mat. If they love to run and play, start an indoor game of fetch or tug.
It’s especially helpful if you can get your dog to chew a toy or lick a treat, as chewing and licking are two ways that dogs relieve stress. If you don’t have any dog treats, you can always make your own to help soothe your furry companion.
5. Buy a compression vest or hood.
Dog compression vests, such as the Thundershirt, fit snugly on a dog’s body to help them feel safe and secure. Hoods work similarly but wrap over your dog’s head and ears rather than their torso.
These clothing items don’t work for every dog, and this is another case where knowing their preferences is important. If your dog hates harnesses and sweaters, these items may stress them more.
6. Try calming pheromones.
Several brands sell dog calming pheromone diffusers, sprays, or collars. Many animals naturally produce pheromones, including humans–although we don’t communicate by scent like dogs do.
Dogs’ noses are much stronger than ours and they pay attention to what others are “saying” with their scents, even after those dogs have left the area. One example of this communication style is a mother dog releasing pheromones to soothe her puppies.
Calming products take advantage of this form of communication by mimicking these smells, putting some dogs in a calmer frame of mind. The effectiveness seems to vary from dog to dog, with some people swearing by these products and others not seeing a difference.
7. Talk to your veterinarian about anxiety medication.
If your dog’s thunderstorm anxiety is having a negative impact on their life, consider talking to your veterinarian about anxiety medication. They can either prescribe a daily medication for generalized anxiety, or a medication your dog only takes before thunderstorms.
While some people are afraid to put their dog on medication or see it as giving up, it’s not wrong to turn to medication when other solutions aren’t working.
8. Hire a trainer or behaviorist.
If you can afford a dog trainer or behaviorist, it can be very helpful to bring them on board to help with your dog’s anxiety. Make sure the person you choose has proper credentials and uses science-based training techniques rather than outdated training methods.
Look for those who label themselves positive reinforcement or force free, and avoid those who call themselves balanced trainers. Balanced trainers are willing to punish a dog, often physically, to get the results they’re looking for.
Also avoid anyone who speaks of dominating your dog or becoming the alpha or leader of the pack. This is known as compulsion training or dominance theory and has been long disproven. It’s also been shown to promote fear and aggression. When in training, make sure you are a good student and avoid these mistakes.
9. Never punish or ignore a scared dog.
Please do your best not to punish your dog for their fear, even if it presents in annoying ways like destructive chewing or panicked barking. Scolding or otherwise punishing a frightened dog will only make the fear worse, which will also worsen the unwanted behaviors.
Instead, keep your dog in a safe place such as a dog-proofed room and have patience. Try to remember that your dog’s behavior isn’t malicious. They’re just scared!
Don’t be afraid to soothe your dog either. While there’s a common myth that soothing a dog’s fear will reinforce it, this isn’t true. If your dog likes to be petted, held, or spoken to softly, this can drastically reduce their fear. It also teaches them that you are a safe person to turn to when they feel afraid.
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