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Mella Pet Care, Vetster Connect Real-Time Diagnostics to Pet Telehealth

Writer's picture: MellaMella

Mella Pet Care, a leading provider of innovative pet health solutions, is proud to announce its partnership with Vetster, a veterinary telemedicine platform, to offer an integrated solution for pet owners. This collaboration will provide Mella app users in the US, Canada, and the UK with seamless and convenient access to 24/7 veterinary care via Vetster's top-rated veterinary marketplace, ensuring that pet parents have professional support at their fingertips, whenever they need it.

Pet health is not confined to regular office hours, and emergencies can happen at any time. Mella understands the needs of pet owners and is committed to providing holistic solutions to keep pets healthy and happy. With the Vetster integration, Mella users can easily schedule online veterinary appointments with licensed, experienced professionals through Vetster’s secure web and mobile apps, anytime and anywhere.

"We are thrilled to embark on this groundbreaking collaboration with Vetster,” said Ben Seidman, Co-Founder at Mella. “At Mella, our mission has always been to redefine pet care through innovation, and this partnership aligns perfectly with our commitment. By integrating Vetster's telemedicine platform with Mella's advanced technology, we're not just offering convenience to pet owners—we're revolutionizing the way we care for our furry family members. This collaboration underscores our dedication to providing comprehensive, accessible, and proactive health solutions for pets."

Vetster connects pet owners with licensed veterinarians in minutes, offering quality advice and care through secure video calls, chat, and messaging. Whether you're seeing a minor health issue with your pet facing a behavioral change, or you simply need guidance, Vetster ensures access to expert veterinary care without delays or added expenses.

“Innovating with the Mella team is transforming how pet owners care for their animals,” commented Vetster COO Cerys Goodall. “By connecting Mella's home diagnostic technology with the Vetster platform, veterinarians have more information to work with when assessing a pet virtually. Our partnership is one more way we can improve access to care for pet owners and their pets.”

Mella’s partnership with Vetster is a game-changer for pet parents. Instead of rushing to a physical clinic in the middle of the night, Vetster enables pet owners to connect with qualified veterinarians from the comfort of their own homes—providing reassurance and advice whenever needed. Many pets also experience anxiety or stress when visiting a physical clinic. Vetster's telemedicine services help pets get the care they need without leaving a familiar environment, reducing fear and ensuring more comfortable treatment.

To welcome our community of pet parents, Vetster is offering Mella users an exclusive 25% discount on Vetster’s vet services. Now, in addition to the advanced pet care products offered within the Mella ecosystem, pet owners can access professional veterinary care at a reduced rate.

How to Book an Online Vet Appointment with Vetster:

  1. Ensure you have the Mella app installed on your device with an active account.

  2. If your pet measures a high temperature, a drop-down bar will appear prompting you to tele-connect with a vet.

  3. Otherwise, go to the profile section of the app anytime and click “Connect to Wellness Platform.”

  4. You will be taken to Vetster’s landing page, where you can create an account, schedule an appointment, and upload Mella results to your pet’s file before your appointment for the vet to review.

  5. Connect with a licensed veterinarian and receive expert guidance to ensure your pet's well-being.

  6. Vetster veterinarians can prescribe medications or recommend an over-the-counter medication if needed and where permitted. VetsterRx Online Pharmacy, fulfilled by PetMeds, will ship prescribed medications directly to your door.

Mella Pet Care and Vetster are dedicated to making pet healthcare more accessible and stress-free. This integration represents a significant step toward improving the lives of pets and their owners, providing peace of mind and expert guidance, 24/7.

For further information, please contact:

Ben Seidman

Chief Operating Officer & Co-Founder

Mella Pet Care


About Mella Pet Care:

Mella Pet Care, a Chicago-based startup, is building the future of pet care with an ecosystem of health monitoring solutions for veterinarians and pet parents, including the first-ever accurate axillary thermometer, a body fat analyzer, a chip reader, a pulse ox, and more. Preventative tools are now accessible, allowing pets to live longer, happier lives. Mella has won 14 industry awards including the 2021 Purina Pet Care Innovation Prize and Mars’ 2022 Leap Venture Studio accelerator. Mella is accepting orders for both Mella Pro and Home Thermometers on their website.

About Vetster:

Vetster is the leading veterinary telehealth platform connecting pet owners with top-rated veterinary professionals. Pet owners use Vetster to speak to veterinary professionals online through video, text, or audio chat. Vetster's award-winning marketplace and mobile app empower pet owners to speak with a veterinarian from the comfort of home or while traveling, scheduling appointments any time—24/7. Create a free account today at

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