Creating An Account & Signing In
To create a new account, select “Create an Account”and then enter your information. Once you’ve entered your information select “CONTINUE”.
​To sign in using your email select “Sign In With Email” and enter your email and password. You can choose to “Stay Signed In”. If you’ve forgotten your password you can select “Forgot” to reset your password.

Bluetooth Required
When prompted, please select ‘Allow’ for the Mella App to use to the Bluetooth of your phone. Your Bluetooth must be enabled for your Mella Home to connect.
Connecting Your Mella Home
From the “Measure” screen you will see an icon on the top left corner that indicates if your device is connected. To connect, press the button on the Mella device. Make sure your bluetooth is enabled. Once your Mella device is connected the icon will turn blue.

Switching from Rectal to Axillary
The default when you turn on the thermometer is the rectal reading as you will see that there's an R on the digital display of the thermometer.
Click the thermometer button twice until this R turns to an A. This change will reflect in the app and will be the axillary setting.

Selecting A Pet & Measuring
First make sure you’re on the “Measure” screen. Then select the pet you’d like to measure by clicking on the pet photo or icon in the top right corner. If the pet has no profile you can select “Walk-In” or “+Add New Pet”.
To start measuring press the button on the Mella device once. You’ll see the number fluctuate on the app as Mella generates your results. Your results will appear as Actual and API.

Viewing Pet Profiles
Click “Pets” from the navigation at the bottom to view the list of pets you’ve created. Here you can add a new pet, search for an existing pet, or view a pet’s profile. You can also delete pets by swiping left on the pet you’d like to delete.

Pet Measurement History, Adding And Deleting Notes
Inside the pet’s profile you can view the history of measurements by table or calendar view. You can also view or add notes to each measurement. To delete a reading swipe left on the reading. To edit a pet’s information click on the pencil icon in the top right corner.

How can I use Mella in my practice?Simple - just purchase the Mella Device (It’s on pre-order and expected to be released by the end of the year). Then download the app and create an account. If you are a Vetspire customer it will ask you to put in your API key to be able to communicate with your Vetspire installation. Please look on our website for a 30 second video on how to use Mella in your practice with Vetspire
How do I communicate this to my clients?AllyDVM communication channel, email list, etc
How do I use Mella on cats and dogs?1. Plug in the axillary tempertaure sensor 2. Place sensor between foreleg and torso 3. Turn on the device to take the temperature
How much time will this really save me?By adopting the best practice of sending the axillary temperature reading directly to the patient exam record for that patient in Vetspire, it should save you up to five minutes per pet. Best of all you do not need two people as you did previously with rectal temperature. Mella Pro is comfortable and safe to administer by one person
If I have any problems, who do I reach out to?Email us at support@mella.ai
Do I need to enter each patient's information prior to taking their temperature?You do not need to enter each patient's information prior. This can be done afterward.