Why do I need Mella?
Traditional thermometers used for pets, which are made for humans, require rectal insertion, something our pet's truly hate. Non-contact infrared thermometers are not accurate for pets due to their fur. Mella provides accurate results with a fear free experience.

When do I use Mella?

Use Mella before a vet visit where stress can elevate temperature

Use Mella during and after exercise, especially in hot weather

Use Mella if your pet seems low in energy or not like themselves

Use Mella if your pet is showing signs of illness.
(I.E Vomiting, Diarrhea, Coughing, Sneezing)

Use Mella before and after your pet goes to daycare or gets boarded

Use Mella if your pet is limping or seems painful

Use Mella after
an operation

Use Mella after
How do I use Mella?
Using Mella is easy and quick. Just turn on Mella, place under foreleg or hind leg of pet, and the results on your screen. Check out our instructional video or our FAQ for more details.

What do I do once Mella gives me a reading?
If it's abnormal
The best thing to do would be to contact your veterinarian. A high temperature usually always indicates the need for medical intervention.
If it's normal
In situations where you’re just being proactive and they seem healthy otherwise, like checking their temperature after a run, you probably won’t need to do anything further. But, if they measure normal while acting abnormal, relaying that information to your veterinarian would still be helpful. Better safe than sorry.